The 7 Kinds of Rest You Need as a You Go Through Cancer (and why you might be missing out on them)

What kind of rest do you need as you go through cancer? Wouldn’t a good nap solve everything?
I know I don’t need to tell you, going through cancer is exhausting.
Yes, the treatment beats up our bodies and robs us of sleep but the impact and toll it takes slams into every part of our lives, not just our sleep.
If you’ve ever said “If I could just get a good night’s sleep I’d be okay” then woken up exhausted, it might be because sleep is only one of the many types of rest you need.
Did you know you need 7 kinds of rest?
Neither did I until I discovered the work of Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith.
In her book Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity she talks about each one, how to know if we’re missing out on it, and how to find it. It blew me away! You need to get yourself a copy ASAP.
Each type of rest refills a part of us that’s depleted in a specific way and a good night’s sleep, as wonderful as it is, just isn’t enough or designed to restore each and every area.
The 7 kinds of rest we talk about are;
- Mental
- Sensory
- Creative
- Emotional
- Social
- Spiritual
Listen in to my exhuastion-busting conversation with Dr. Dalton Saundra Smith.
As a physician, author, and speaker she’s an expert of the 7 kinds of rest we need, how to know which one we’re missing and then how to ensure we get them, especially during cancer.
Or listen on your favorite podcast platform.
Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a Board-Certified internal medicine physician, speaker, and author. She is an international wellness expert featured in numerous media outlets including Prevention, MSNBC, Women’s Day, FOX, Fast Company, Psychology Today, INC, and as a guest on Dr. Oz show. She is the author of numerous books including her new book Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, including ground-breaking insight on the seven types of rest we all need, especially when we’re dealing with a diagnosis like cancer or are walking with someone through it
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