Stop Waiting for Life to Get Better

Cancer and any type of pain, suffering, and hardship sucks.
It just does. It sucks physically, emotionally, but also spiritually. Why spiritually? It affects our relationship with God – suffering is not just painful, it’s personal. When we see others suffer but that’s “out there”. When it’s us suffering, it is personal.
Because pain is personal and we don’t know what to do, we end up asking 2 questions:
- What does God have to say to ME in MY pain?
- What am I meant to DO?
For all of us, the answer to these two questions is what is at the heart of everything we do here on the podcast and at the heart of my book, Breathe Again (which if you haven’t read, you need to get yourself a copy, friend).
The message is simple: STOP WAITING.
Stop waiting for life to get better. This might be a tough thing to hear when got cancer, running on fumes, just trying to get by. We may not even realize we are waiting.
Here’s the problem: as soon as life gets hard, it’s so tempting to wait.
Hide away, dig in for the long haul, deny that it is hard, soldier on and put life on hold. Brush it off, stiff upper lip, keep calm and carry on. Hunker down and WAIT – find life in the future. Wait for the storm to pass, waters to stop raging, and life to return to normal.
But that’s not the gospel message – that is not the Good News.
Jesus didn’t say I have come that you might have life and life in all its fullness, buuuutttt… you’re going to have to ride out this cancer storm until life gets easier to find it. He came to give us full life and, ironically, if we stop waiting for life to calm down/get easier or for cancer to be done, we actually find it.
Take a moment to think about your cancer struggle – really imagine all the hard stuff, confusion, worry, overwhelm and exhaustion. I know, I’m sorry. But want to ask you.
What if there was life in the journey? Imagine what life would look like if you stopped waiting. If you were able to stop waiting, stop merely surviving a life you never planned or signed up for and start living.
I want to share 3 things I’ve found that we can do to STOP WAITING and START the journey – you can then get the 7 practices in the Breathe Again book!
1.Explode the myth of a perfect life – that life should be rip-free!
Let’s explode the myth that a full life is perfect and embrace the biblical truth and promise of what it is – comfort, peace, joy, connection etc
2. Expose the lies that being in the RIP leads us to believe.
God says to us in our storm – stop waiting – expose the lies, deal with them and you’ll find life. Let’s stand against the lies of the enemy – fight from victory.
3. Enter into life…despite everything that is going on.
Coming back to questions at the beginning:
- What does God have to say in our pain and suffering?
- What are we meant to DO?
Answer is the same – STOP WAITING!
STOP WAITING for life to get better and your cancer to be over. Life isn’t waiting off in the future, it’s here and now – rubies in the rubble. God has more for you even if life has handed you less.
Take a moment to think about your biggest struggle in life right now. What’s keeping you up at night, biting your nails, numbing out on Netflix or social media?
Can I invite you to stop waiting? explode the myth that life should be perfect and rip free, expose and counter the lies that you are believing and start swimming in your rip by first choosing brave – grab hold of all God has for you.
Let’s take a moment to pray using our simple guided prayer format that uses the acronym TRUST.
Thanking Him for who he is and what he’s done. Resting in his love. Unburdening our hearts. Surrendering our hopes, fears and needs. Taking Him at his word.
As always I like to leave you with a practical exercise you can do right now or in the week to come.
This week it’s to re-listen, and ask yourself:
“How have I believed my life should be riptide free?”
“What lies do I believe about myself and God and what truth do I need to combat them?”
Then I have a few other practical steps for you!
Grab a copy of my book, Breathe Again, so you can dive into the 7 practical tools and questions for yourself!
Do something to enter into the full, abundant life Jesus came to give you.
Or listen on Apple Podcasts.
Do you need hope in your cancer journey? I have an invitation for YOU!
Register to save you free seat for the Trusting God Through Cancer Summit! Join hundreds of people just like you and overcome the fear, overwhelm, and massive impact cancer’s had on every part of your life. Build unshakable hope, faith, and trust – no matter what.
If you haven’t already, download your TRUST prayer book mark HERE so you can pray along with me and pray with more confidence and less doubt in the week ahead.
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