Dealing with Fear and Anxiety in Your Cancer Journey

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No matter how far along we are in our cancer journey, fear, worry and anxiety hang around like ever present shadows clouding over what little sunshine hits our faces.
We fear the unknown, the pain of surgery and recuperation, and the terrifying prospect of recurrence.
We worry about leaving our kids behind, we fear for their futures as we worry about our own and we fear time might just be running out. Fear tightens its grip with every ache, pain and scan. So what are we meant to do? How do we fight the fear?
Join me on Chemo Chair Prayers as we start our summer series of interviews and most listened to episodes and where today I revisit our fear episode and we:
- Learn how to stop our fear-wheels spinning
- Reimagine our fear not as a negative emotion to be avoided at all costs but as merely an emotional sign post in our journey.
- Discover a roadmap for turning our fear into a faith-filled next step.
Before we take a moment to pray using our simple guided prayer format that uses the acronym TRUST.
Thanking Him for who he is and what he’s done.
Resting in his love.
Unburdening our hearts.
Surrendering our hopes, fears and needs.
Taking Him at his word.
If you haven’t already, you can download your own copy of our TRUST prayer practice on a beautiful book mark below!
Or listen on Apple Podcasts.
If you haven’t already, download your TRUST prayer book mark HERE so you can pray along with me and pray with more confidence and less doubt in the week ahead.
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