Get The Worry Course NOW!
Are you ...





Then my biblically based, science-backed, roadmap for reclaiming the peace and calm you long for, is for you. 

Let this be the year you finally kick worry to the curb.


YES! I need this ($27)
Because if no one's told you yet ...

God didn't create you to live life worried.


I've been where you are.

(Excuse the audio quality! Fresh video coming soon).

YES! I need this ($27)



What would it feel like ...

  • to be free of the grip worry’s got on you? To know you have the tools you need to calm down when fear comes your way so it doesn’t take over. 

  • to no longer see yourself as a “worrier” but as someone with the resilience, faith, confidence, and peace to live the life you were created for? 

  • To know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you could trust God (even when it’s the last thing you feel like doing), hear his voice, and reignite your brain’s calm response, whenever you feel anxious?

How would your life, relationships, work, stress and energy levels change?

6 Biblically-based, science-backed, jam-packed modules 

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned over twenty years of ministry, church planting and leadership, studying theology at Oxford, England, going through cancer, and diving into the science of worry, to show you step-by-step how I no longer let worry rule my life. 

This online course is designed for self-confessed “worriers” who want to break free and feel calm and confident, not matter what life chucks at them.


SIX MODULES including:
  • 16 in-depth video teachings.

  • 10 practical exercises to take into your day.

  • 5 guided prayers to make your own.

  • Printable tools and worksheets.

  • Audio recordings of all the lessons to listen to on the go.

  • Lifetime access to all material and future updates.

Now's the time my friend. 

Today's the day to finally break the worry cycle and feel the peace and calm God has for you  - and, quite honestly, you deserve. 

Are you fed up with…

  • Worrying about things despite trying to trust God?

  • Feeling on edge, anxious, and out of control, no matter how much you pray?

  • Trying new calming techniques but giving up when they don’t seem to work?

  • Being known as a worrier?

  • Not living the life you want because worry’s holding you back? 

Then you're in the right place.


Because ...
you deserve to feel God's PEACE and be the CALM, CONFIDENT person he created you to be.


YES, if:

  • Worry is a horribly real and present struggle in your life.

  • You don’t do some of the things you want to because worry holds you back.

  • You’re fed up with being told to have more faith and trust God more - you’re TRYING!!

  • You don’t want another calming app or set of scriptures to memorize (as helpful as they can be for a while), you want science-backed tools and faith-building mindset shifts that don’t just calm your worry in the moment but create lasting change.

  • You’re ready to ditch worry, not have it boss you anymore and get on with your life.

NO, if:

  • You’re a master of calm and relaxation who’s never been told not to worry.

  • You and God have got this worry thing figured out and you enjoy his peace 24/7.

  • When God said Do not fear, you replied, Okey dokey. I’ll stop that silliness then and get on with life.


  • You can hear God’s still, small, voice even when the TV’s on full blast and the kids are screaming.


  • You simply don’t get why anxious people are such a nervous ninnies and if you’re honest, you find them rather annoying.

You don’t need me to tell you this but …


A year from today you’ll be glad you said 

"Worry, you're not going to boss me around anymore!"

I need The WORRY COURSE ($27)

Hi, I'm Niki ... and I used to worry, a lot.

God gave us fear (our fight or flight response) to keep us safe BUT he never intend for it to be permanently switched on. Yet, for many of us, that’s reality. 

Having lost both my mum and sister to cancer I was diagnosed. So I know how it feels for worry stop you in your tracks, boss you around, and never leave you alone.

I know what it’s like to have worry follow you around despite trusting God as best you can, praying up a storm, and doing a hundred “calm your mind” exercises.

But I also know what it’s like to finally feel ALIVE, calm, and in control again.

During my cancer I learned to build a solid foundation of biblically-based, science-backed tools (I’m a science nerd at heart), mindset shifts and faith-building truths and practices that allowed me to stop letting worry boss me around.


So you can beat worry and live the calm, confident life you long for, for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Last Chance!

Ready to feel calm, confident, and alive?

Gift yourself the step-by-step roadmap to the peace and confidence you long for.

YES! I need this ($27)