The kindest thing you can do for yourself this year

This episode is all about how to be kind to yourself in 2021 and who doesn’t need that right now?
But what’s the #1 thing you can do this coming year to help you do that?
Well, it’s New Years Eve and we’re finally saying goodbye to 2020 and I’m sure I’m not the only one delighted to see it go.
The trouble is, just because the ball drops and we raise a glass to a new year, it doesn’t mean all our problems are going to disappear in a sprinkle of confetti and champagne. Oh that that were true.
With a vaccine rolling out there is definitely hope on the horizon but no matter what 2021 throws at us, what is the one thing we can do to make sure it’s still a good, no make that great, year?
How can we be kind to ourselves if 2021’s going to throw more of the same our way?
What’s the one thing we can do to love ourselves well and not end up merely surviving another year ticking by?
Stop thinking the worst and letting your mind spiral out of control to worst case scenarios over and over again.
I know it’s not only hard buy it’s kind of a tricky topic, because on one level a catastrophe HAS happened … you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer.
Your life has been upended and the bomb has gone off…unfortunately I can’t change that – I wish I could – but what I can do is help you move forward and not make it way worse for yourself than it needs to be.
Today’s episode is all about being kind to yourself by learning to stop the spiral into catastrophizing, or as Joyce Meyer calls it, the battlefield of the mind.
So how do we win that battle?
We identify our thoughts, we interrogate what’s fact and what’s fiction, and we intercede about what we know to be true and leave with God what we don’t.
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